Libreros SALALM

JTacq; A Collection Development/Purchasing Application for Libraries

JTacq is a free but mature collection development/purchasing application which is designed to work with library automation systems.  It is not designed to replace the acquisitions system provided with your ILS.  While there may be some overlap, the purpose of this program is to remove much of the tedium of the decision and ordering process. It is assumed that the order information will end up in one’s current acquisition system.

Also, please do not think that because it is free it means there is some secret agenda or that it is lacking in features or usefulness.  I have been providing free software to the library community for over 12 years with no-strings-attached.   While my work is best known in the Horizon (SirsiDynix) community I have always worked to make my tools applicable to any system.  Currently JTacq is used by Horizon, Unicorn, Symphony, Endeavor, Millenium, Winnebago, Athena, Concourse, Aleph and InfoCentre libraries.

If you are a library and are interested in this product please contact for additional information.  I do not provide download links directly to the software.  In part because the setup for the program is fairly involved and I also like to walk through a demonstration of the product to get sites started.  Plus, with the myriad of library systems and local configurations, even within the same ILS, it is practically impossible to provide setup instructions that would consistently apply to every install.

Click the following link for Technical Information.


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